On Books and Bookworms

Filipino Lit Love (or FLL) is a blog site dedicated to reviewing and promoting Filipino literature. Initiated by bookworm and frustrated writer Janina Santos, FLL was born out of shock that many Filipinos have NO.FREAKING.IDEA about the treasures hidden in the Filipiniana section of book shops. FLL is also a medium of destroying the prevailing (and idiotic) notion that native literature is mediocre and inferior, when, in fact, it is plain and simple mind-blowing.

Janina Santos once thought that Filipino literature sucks, until Bob Ong and several other Pinoy writers planted bombs of awesomeness in her brain and promptly blew her neurons away. She is now an avid reader of Filipino literature and tries to make friends with cool people who shares her passion for books and good reads. 

Janina is a Registered Nurse, an English instructor, a program developer for English review, an advocate and a social media activist. She also owns the niche-less blog http://theironyofnonsense.blogspot.com/ where she rants about everything from rape to nursing to make-up.

She also pretends that she is a writer and, once in a while, actually comes up with stuff (she hopes) worth reading.

About FLL's banner

Filipino Lit Love's banner is an original art work by Janina Santos. The back drop is her version of the Philippine Bakunawa (also spelled as Bakonaua),a mythical dragon that was said to be big enough that it could swallow the moon.

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